Walter Kaiser and Dorington Little do an excellent job of compiling lectures and notes on passages from both the Old and New Testament which magnify and celebrate the Maker of heaven and earth. This book is an excellent source for personal study and small group. Each chapter reviews a bible passage which integrates the fundamental truths portrayed in Genesis 1. One can follow the authors through Genesis, the Psalms, Job, Isaiah, Matthew and 2 Corinthians as they weave the tapestry of
God's providential character while bringing the meaning into our present day realities.
Each chapter has a short lecture, summary, conclusions and questions for study and discussion.
As a pastor, leader, teacher or lay minister this book is a wonderful resource for teens to seniors.
In the final notes, the author challenges readers to come back to our origins and face the fundamental questions of life and to take a stand against the biblical illiteracy of our present generation.